Garage Door Lockout? Follow these Steps

We’ve all had those moments when we’ve locked ourselves out of our home. Although you could try to pick locks, we’ll demonstrate the different steps to open a garage door. In this article, we’ll go through what to do if you get locked out of your garage door for any reason. Because garages are distinct structures, they require special precautions compared to getting locked out of your home. These distinctions come in handy when you’re locked out of your garage because these designs are less safe. While the security issue may not appear helpful, it is when you have to open a locked garage door. When seeking garage door lockout fixes, you must first determine why your garage door is locked. If you cannot diagnose the problem after examining it, contact the Lockout service in Chicago for assistance.

Solutions for Garage Door Lockout

Manual Release

There will be a manual release lever on automatic garage doors that you can pull to open the garage door.  If you’ve already sealed the manual release to avoid conventional theft techniques, skip this step because your enhanced security will stop you.  If you haven’t already, you should protect the manual override once you learn how easy it is to misuse.

Follow these procedures to operate the manual release for your garage door from outside:

  • Check for a hinged release lever in the center of your garage door and push the garage door up.
  • Look for something that you can bend into a long bendable hook.
  • Pull it down by hooking the release hinge.
  • The garage door should be able to open and close manually.

Check the Side Doors

Aside from the garage door, connected garages and some separate garages feature another entrance point. A locked garage door is generally easy to access than a locked side door, but this is not always the case. There are numerous methods for unlocking a door without a key.  Side garage doors are frequently overlooked and deteriorate. You can try to pick the lock if it won’t open.


A hasp and padlock are used to lock some garage doors. With a slide bolt latching into the wall, the lock should be visible from outside the garage. This padlock and hasp can also mount on the bottom of the door, allowing the bolt to drop into the ground. If you’re using a basic padlock from a large box store, it may be subject to shimming. Although many padlocks feature anti-shim mechanisms, the majority and commonly available padlocks give the appearance of protection.

To fix your garage door lockout using a shim, you’ll need to create one. You can use a pair of scissors and aluminum to make padlock shims. It’s essential to use these tools with care to avoid breaking the shims and making them worthless. To build a rectangle, cut the top and bottom off an aluminum can and utilize the leftover cylinder. Cover the sharp edges of the rectangle by cutting it into three equal sections. Put your shim into the space between the lock and the shackle by curving it along the exterior of the shackle’s U-bend. Replace the other shim on the opposite side of the shackle in the same manner. If the second shim does not match, try re-inserting the shims in the opposite sequence. Continue with the other shim, turning one to the inside of the shackle’s U-bend. You will unlock the lock.

If it does not resolve your garage door lockout issue, the lock may have anti-shim security. It could also be the result of poor implementation of this technique. If you do not make the proper shims or do not use them properly, there is a substantial risk of operational mistakes.

brown garage door with controller

Duplicating the Key

Making new keys may be an option for resolving your garage door lockout. If you’ve lost your key, buying a new one is an option. Likewise, there may be a way to replace an electronic garage door lock’s automatic function with a new garage controller. It will take professional assistance, but if you’re locked out of your garage, it’s worth it. Not all locksmiths will be able to give you a replacement garage remote. The average locksmith, on the other hand, should be capable of replacing almost any different key.

Forced Entry

When your security is too well-built to be compromised by bypassing, or if your lock is already cracked, you should use the forceful entry. You will break the lock by using forceful entry to solve your garage door lockout problem. Drilling a lock is the most reliable form of forceful access. You ought to be able to drill out the lock cylinder if you have a power drill.

Drill into the lock using a drill bit that is a little bigger than the keyway. Continue the procedure, adjusting the diameter of your drill bit as you get further. Put a flat head screwdriver into a large enough hole and rotate the cylinder. If the lock or shackle does not move, you may need to exert some force.

A garage door lockout caused by a damaged lock can be easy to open or complex enough to necessitate Lock repair and replacement in Chicago. Your garage door lockout solution with a padlock might be as simple as cutting the lock off, which should not harm the door or hasp. Except for the toughest padlocks, bolt cutters should be able to eliminate practically any lock. When you’re done, replace the lock.

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