A Guide on How to make a Slim Jim Tool

It can be extremely unpleasant to get locked out of your car. If you’re locked out and don’t have a spare key, try using a slim jim. The slim jim is simple to create and might help you get out of a tight spot. This article will guide you on how to make a slim jim tool and how to use it properly.

car door lock lever

What is a Slim Jim Tool?

A slim jim is a metal strip having a notch at one end. A Slim Jim Tool’s primary objective is to aid in unlocking a vehicle door without the need for a lockpick or a key. The slim jim’s benefit is that it avoids the locking system and effectively engages the linking rods and levers, activating the door. The user will gently insert the slim jim tool between the rubber seal and the car window to latch onto the rods connected to the lock mechanism, allowing the door to open easily.

However, reckless use of this tool makes the lock completely worthless, and it rarely works even with a key. If you discover this, you should know that someone has most likely attempted to open your vehicle. 

Some modern car models designs thwart slim jim’s attempts by concealing the lock cylinder and functioning rods so that the tool cannot reach them. Others have barrier blocks built at the base of the window to keep slim jim out. You can contact Key Duplication in Melrose Park to solve this issue. There are even speculations that another technology will be included in future versions, allowing the car’s airbag system to activate as soon as a burglar starts to use a slim jim. However, depending on the make, model, and year of your vehicle, you may be able to open it with a slim jim.  First, check if your car has the appropriate locks for a slim jim. You must then use the slim jim to unlock the door.

Check if the Slim Jim will Work for your car

Check to see if your vehicle has electric locks.

Using a slim jim on an auto or power lock will only damage your window and perhaps harm the components in your car door. There may be other options for unlocking the door, but a slim jim is not one of them.

Make sure your car's locks are upright.

Make sure your car has upright locks. These small cylinder-shaped locks are located near the base of the car window, where it joins the door. Your vehicle may still have these locks, but the car door may include electronics, wiring, or even airbags that make applying a slim jim extra hard.

If you're still uncertain, contact a locksmith.

If you’re not sure whether your car has the proper locks for a slim jim, you should consult a Lockout service in Forest Park. Using a slim jim on the wrong locks might do significant harm to your car. The cost of a locksmith may appear high, but the cost of car repairs may be even more.

How to make a Slim Jim Tool?

Look for an ideal Substance.

Look around your house for something lengthy, thin, and made of a durable substance. A metal ruler is ideal, but a thin piece of plastic banding or a wire hanger will suffice. A hanger isn’t as effective until your window is slightly ajar.

Use a Blade to Make a Slim Jim

Carve a notch approximately a half-inch deep into the ruler’s edge with a blade. This notch will serve as a hook, adding utility to the Slim Jim’s end. If you’re using a hanger, untwist it and shape the hook into a size that will fit around your door latch.

picking car door lock

How to use a Slim Jim Tool?

Engage the passenger door of the vehicle.

Professional locksmiths usually try to open the passenger side door first. That way, if you mess up and the door’s mechanism is damaged, it won’t be the one you frequently use.

Use a Wedge to make room.

The rubber strip that runs between the vehicle door and the window is the weatherstrip. This will make room for you to insert the slim jim You can buy a wedge built just for entering car locks, but they’re usually no different from a door wedge. Use a rubber wedge instead of a wooden wedge, as a hardwood wedge may end up leaving splinters and fragments in your car door.

Insert the slim jim into the wedge's opening.

The notched end should be put in first, towards the vehicle lock. Level the slim jim with the lock and press down on the keyhole, normally at the back of the door. Insert the slim jim gently, careful not to grab on anything as you go downwards.

Keep an eye on the lock for any movements.

If the lock begins to move slightly, you know the slim jim has hooked on the locking mechanism. To prevent catching on any other components, keep the slim jim vertical.

Begin pulling the slim jim up until the door opens.

The lock should slide upwards as you lift the slim jim if you’ve latched onto the locking mechanism. To avoid creating any unnecessary damage, move slowly and smoothly. You may now open the automobile door by removing the slim jim.

Attempting to open the door many times is not recommended.

If you can’t unlock the door after a couple of tries, it’s wise to give up before causing any harm. Unlocking a locked door is a highly complex technique, so don’t be discouraged if you can’t get it open. Call a locksmith and have a professional open your car door.

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