What Are The Benefits Of Double Door Lock

The primary benefit of having a double door lock is increased security. Because doors with neighboring windows or glass panels can be shattered, criminals can reach inside and physically unlock the door. It is a big issue in business break-ins and home burglaries.

Double door lock add an extra degree of security to your house or company. Intruders cannot manually unlock the door without a button lock system. Replacement of single-cylinder locks with twin-cylinder ones may reduce successful break-ins by half or more. One significant downside is the increased safety issue. When using twin-cylinder locks, keeping a spare key on hand is critical if people need to evacuate the premises in an emergency.

For increased protection, certain door locks are intended to be turned twice. We may use these locks as an anti-picking feature because when you pick the lock and turn it, the pins reset, and you must pick it again.

People have a frequent misconception that if they pull up the handle, the door is secure now and no one from the outside may enter their houses. The only safe technique to secure UPVC doors is to lock them double.

What is the purpose of two-cylinder locks?

Companies commonly use double deadbolt locks because they provide extra protection to external doors with windows. When intruders try to enter a building through a window, the key lock inside the door prevents them from doing so.

Maximum Security

The main advantage of two-cylinder barbolt is that they are designed to provide a high level of security. It makes it more difficult for burglars to select or unlock doors that have them. Double cylinder barbolts are the most secure option for homeowners. Although single-sided deadbolt locks are popular among homeowners, their security level is not as great as double-cylinder deadbolts.

If a thief can reach a window with their arm from the door, they can smash it and turn the knob, thus unlocking the door. Robbers can easily gain in when a door with a single-sided lock is next to a window. We may need keys to unlock double cylinder deadbolts from the inside or outside. As a result, even if an attacker destroys a window near the entrance, they will be unable to open the double cylinder deadbolt.

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Double door locks


These cylinder deadbolts provide extra security. It is just as crucial as keeping would-be thieves at bay. You want your family to feel safe and secure in your house. It is especially critical in households with small children and families with loved ones suffering from illnesses such as dementia. We may require Keys to unlock twin-cylinder barbolt from the inside and outside. Once you lock a double cylinder deadbolt from the inside or outside, your loved ones will be safe. However, you must restrict access or secure the key for this to operate.

Twin-cylinder barbolts are suitable for sliding glass doors and windows. Their presence in these entrances ensures that no one can undermine a house’s security without their keys. Even if someone smashes a glass, they will require keys to open the door from the inside.

Easy To Deal With Misbehaving Children.

Replacing a basic latch lock with a single-cylinder bolt may appear suitable for a home with a mischievous children’s front door. However, some children may still be a nuisance. They can depart without their parent’s or guardians’ knowledge by pushing or turning a button to unlock a door. On the other hand, a double door lock makes dealing with such mischievous children simple. It is due to the fact that the youngsters will require the key to the double  barbolt in order to unlock it. As a result, a double bar bolt lock is suitable for a family that wishes to safeguard the safety and security of naughty children.

Disadvantages Of Double Door lock:

The Key Requirement Is A Disadvantage Of Double Door Deadbolts

The requirement for a key to open a double door lock from both the inside and outside is a benefit. However, it is also a drawback. It is because the features that make it difficult for robbers to break into a building are also those that make getting out difficult, even in an emergency. For example, if a fire breaks out in a secured residence with a double cylinder deadbolt lock, you must first locate keys for the double cylinder deadbolts. That’s because you can’t get away from the flames without them.

Not Suitable For All Doors

It is critical to remember that emergency exits should be easy to reach and utilize without keys. As a result, double cylinder deadbolts are not appropriate for emergency exits. Even if  we install the door solely  for usage in an emergency, a double cylinder lock should not be placed.

In Some States, It is Illegal

Check the local codes before installing twin deadbolts in your building. Because of fire-code constraints, twin-cylinder deadbolts are illegal in some areas. People can get locked in their homes in the case of an emergency if they do not have the keys to double-cylinder deadbolts. Nonetheless, verifying your local codes is critical to see whether you may still install them.

In general, these are the key advantages and disadvantages of double locks that you should evaluate before installing them in your building. If you are still in confusion about installing twin-cylinder deadbolts or single cylinder barbolt in your home, you should consult with a trained locksmith. It will allow you to comprehend the distinction and consider your alternatives confidently. We can compensate for the absence of a double door lock by installing auto door locks.


You should install double deadbolts when you have an emergency escape plan. It is due to the fact that when a person is surrounded by fire or smoke, they may panic and become incapable of working a lock, even if they have a key. 

A commercial locksmith in HillSide can also advise you on the best locations to install twin-cylinder deadbolts. If you have already purchased the locks, they can install them for you.

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