How To Change The Locks On Your Car

If you’re a homeowner, you’re surely aware of how important it is to have your home’s locks rekeyed by a professional locksmith before you move in. There’s no way of knowing how many relatives or family friends have keys to the property you live in now. Moreover, if you bought it earlier, rekeying the locks is a simple repair. Even if it’s a brand new home, you never know how many contractors or construction workers ended up with a key, so rekeying the locks is a quick and cheap resolution to possible break-in concerns. But what if someone else has the keys to your car?In this article, we guide on how to change the locks on your car.

Most folks do not consider rekeying their car’s locks. Even if you buy a car from a friend or via a private sales site like Craigslist, you expect to exchange money, title, and keys and be done with it. Aside from purchasing a new automobile, there are various additional reasons you may need to change the locks on your car. Here’s what you should know:

Situations Related To Car Rekeying

To begin, change the lockson your car’s locks after acquiring it, especially from a private seller you don’t know, is a great approach to lessen the likelihood of your car being burglarized by someone with a key you weren’t aware of.

Furthermore, if your car’s locks are damaged – for example, if your key was weakened enough to split in half with the key in the lock – an auto locksmith may come out and repair or replace the lock, depending on the extent of the damage. 

Another typical reason for replacing your car’s locks is the same reason you may rekey your home’s locks: your keys have been stolen. If you forget your keys at a restaurant after dinner, you’re usually fine, but if you’ve left your keys somewhere and can’t find them no matter where you look, it’s time to rekey your car’s locks (and your home’s, if they were on the same keychain).

Possible Mistakes

The possible difficulty, and the primary reason you should call an auto locksmith to change the locks on your car , is due to vehicle transponder keys. If your automobile was manufactured after 1995, it contains a transponder chip. When you enter the car key into the ignition, the immobilizing system is disarmed, allowing your car to start and avoid hot wiring and car theft. However, if you replace your car’s locks, you will need to have the ignition lock cylinder replaced or carry two keys for your car.

Because auto locksmiths only deal with your car’s locks (and that ignition tumbler), having your locks serviced or replaced by an auto locksmith rather than a dealership would save you money.

Car locking keys are typically metal keys that allow you to enter your vehicle. It allows you to enter, but it also allows you to turn on your automobile and lock your doors when necessary. It ensures the safety of your vehicle while you are not near it.

Car locks often comprise the ignition key, certain additional door panel and lock components, and metal rods. Excessive weather can also destroy the car lock. Additionally, it must be replaced due to other concerns or when it is stolen. You could have trouble figuring out how to replace a car lock right away.

Step-by-Step Instructions For Changing A Car Lock

People often consider car lock replacement as a time-consuming and complex procedure. It might also be quite expensive. If you are familiar with specific strategies, it will be easier for you to replace a car lock in the smallest amount of time. However, in other cases, contact any locksmith agency with lock installation in Hillside. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to change a car lock right away:

Step 1: Remove The Door Panel

The first and most important step in changing a car lock is to remove the door panel. So, to change your car lock, you must first position your ignition key to raise the window successfully. Please turn it off after raising the window and gently pull the door panel aside. You may now approach the rear of the lock and remove it.

Step 2: Raise The Window

After removing the door panel, you must re-insert the ignition key. It will raise the window to the highest possible position, which is already wired. Lift the window to the desired high level and turn off the ignition.

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Step 3: Remove The Inner Liner

A plastic liner is there to prevent water from entering the vehicle’s interior. You must hold the plastic liner in place and move it away effortlessly. Tighten it with the adhesive and save it for later use after the lock change is complete.

Step 4: Separate The Door Handle Control Rod

Find the primary door handle control rod and carefully diverge it while controlling the inner door. At the same time, you can fix the damaged clip that held the control rod to the inner door.

Step 5: Remove The Lock Control Rod

You will now need a screwdriver to remove the lock control rod once you have discovered it. To remove the control rod from the lock arm, push the control rod clip downward.

Step 6: Release The Inner Handle

Using a 10mm wrench, unbar the car’s inner handle by moving the mounting bolts of the handle lock anticlockwise. You may also unbar the lock more easily by using a mounting bolt access hole.

Step 7: Remove The Outer Door Handle

When you’ve completed removing the inner handle, expel the outer one. It may require some pressing to be ejected. Make sure not to scratch anything.

Step 8: Remove The Door Lock

Finally, you’re getting closer to the door lock. Remove the power clip holding the door lock within the lock hole with a pick or screwdriver. Then you may easily remove the lock cylinder, which has become free due to the removal of the power clip.

Step 9: Installing A New Door Lock

In this step, replace the old key with a new door lock. If you get it repaired by a locksmith, you can use the old one. Use a locking clip to secure it in the proper location.

Step 10: Installing The New Outer Door Handle Rod Clip

Install a new outer door handle rod clip, ensuring it is identical to the previous one.

After that, move all of the shattered lock clips.

Step 11: Installing The Outer Door Handle

Finally, connect a new outer door handle with care. And now that you’ve installed the new door lock, your automobile is ready to go.


You will be able to change or replace your auto locks fast if you follow these guidelines. You can also contact car key replacement in Chicago for professionals and accurate help. The processes are so straightforward that you may complete them all independently. Thus, saving you money on repairs. You can read the handbook provided by the car’s owner or seller. It will train you on all aspects of the vehicle. While changing the locks, you will gain knowledge and skills.

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