How To Lock Bifold Door Lock

When it comes to your home, safety is undoubtedly one of your top priorities, and security concerns are one of the key reasons why homeowners may be hesitant to install a set of external bifold door lock.

However, people would be erroneous in believing that bifold doors are less safe than a traditional patio or french doors. They can really be one of the most secure solutions for the back of your home provided you take the proper precautions.

Is It Safe To Use Bifold Doors?

When most people hear the word “bifold,” they immediately think of wardrobe doors. As conservatory doors or doors extending from your kitchen and/or living room into the yard, bi-folding doors have become extremely popular in recent years. This is due to the fact that they are aesthetically beautiful, and provide a lot of light and warmth to any room they are joined to. Moreover, they are both energy and space-efficient. For more information, contact a residential locksmith in Chicago

Many people believe, however, that they are thieves’ magnets, which is not the case. It’s true that burglars occasionally target conservatories because they’re often less secure or poorly built than the rest of the house, but the security of bifold doors has no bearing on their decision, and bifold doors are generally more difficult to break into than standard french or sliding doors.

Many bi-fold doors will include a multi-point security mechanism as well as a concealed, inline tracking system, making it nearly hard for an attacker to remove your doors from their mechanism.

In this instance, you will have to attach the doors to the gear hidden within the bottom track. All panels should have internally beaded frames that overlap with your glass panel for added protection. Double-glazed glass is also a good choice (plus it will save you money).

Check out our selection of bifold doors for the outside. Beautiful glass folding doors allow natural light to permeate your home. 

Choosing The Right Bifold Door Lock

Of course, the doors must be secure, but they must also be easy to open for you and your family, so you should think about adding extra security to your bifold doors by selecting a reliable lock. Adding security locks to bifold doors would, of course, be an additional cost. To get professional and accurate information, contact a specialist for lock Installation In Melrose Park.

However, the improved security they provide will make them a good asset not only for your safety but also for your peace of mind.

The multi-point systems discussed above are the most reliable bi-folding door locks. These mechanisms, by themselves, will not make sure it stays closed; you’ll need a lock, and there are various sorts of locks available:

1. Twin point

A twin point lock has a handle in the center of your bifold doors. We can operate this handle from both the top and bottom. It is an elegant and beautiful option that can secure the doors with just one movement. This is a system that offers the most options in terms of finishes, styles, and combinations.

2. Drop Bolts 

Drop Bolts have a more threatening appearance and will increase the security of your bifold doors. We do not advocate them as a primary provider of security, though. These locks are fantastic since they can be as long or short as you want, and they can be installed very easily by anyone with even a little understanding of DIY.

3. Deadbolts Locks

Deadbolt locks, on the other hand, are significantly more secure. People often include them as part of a multi-point security system. Moreover, we can operate these locks with a key or a twisting locking mechanism on the inside.

4. Childproof Locks

As the name implies, companies design childproof locks to keep youngsters safe.

If you have small children, a simple zip-tie lock could be utilized; all you should do is wrap the loops around each of the doorknobs or handles, then push the two channels together and zip them up.

There are even more secure top-mount child locks that can lock simultaneously single and double doors that are available. These go over the top of the door and keep it from opening.

5. Keyed And Padlocks


Keyed locks and even padlocks are a wonderful option to create optimum protection in the home. Especially if you are using your folding doors as conservatory or patio doors, as well as direct entrance points to your home.

Remember, however, that putting your keys in public places (such as behind plant pots in your garden) is quite dangerous, because criminals will look in these places before attempting any more invasive measures, and they will then have the same amount of access to your home as you!

What Is the Best Way To Lock Bifold Door Lock?

The bifold door itself is simple to lock. The first step is to ensure that you are engaging the locking points by lifting the handle. The different points of the multipoint locking system will then slide into place when you turn the key or thumb turn. This will give a secure closure that is exceedingly difficult to open without a key as long as the door is positioned properly.

Security For Bifold Doors

You might add security screen doors to your external bifold doors as an extra layer of protection. These screens will also allow you to keep your bifold doors open while maintaining a sense of security. Therefore, these doors are ideal during the hot summer months.

Bifold security screens are mesh doors. We can put them behind or in front of your existing bi-fold doors. They’re popular in hot climates where some homeowners choose to keep their doors open at night. They are also beautiful and will reduce UV radiation, keep dust out of your home, and improve ventilation.

These screens are available in a variety of types and are quite easy to install and clean. However, they may appear to be an expensive investment unless you live somewhere with a lot of sunlight.

Bifold doors are one of the safest ways to keep the back of your house secure. Moreover, they also look wonderful and can add significant value to your property. Especially if it’s an older home that needs some updating.


If you have additional security worries, you may want to consider installing a home security system. However, unless you live in a really high-crime region, we’ve found that these can be more of a nuisance than anything else.

It’s ultimately up to you. In any case, we hope we’ve persuaded you that security equipment and folding doors are not mutually exclusive concepts!

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