How To Change a Front Door Lock At Home:

Front door locks are of prime importance as they act as the main entry point of a house or any building. They need to be constantly updated and replaced. The stronger your lock is, the harder it is for a thief or burglar to break in. In addition to this, we feel more secure and safe with a strong door lock installed in our home. In this article, we will guide you about changing your front door lock.

We tend to change our door locks if we feel lacking. In case of any mishap or misfortune such as theft or robbery, we should change our door locks at once. We can rekey a lock at home. We can also contact professionals for help.

Change Your Front Door Lock:

Several locksmiths offer to rekey a lock in Chicago. They are the best at their job. Furthermore, they offer your services at very affordable rates. However, we got you if you want to change your lock at home. Since there is a wide variety of door locks available in the market, people will likely use different locks. The process of changing a lock is different for every lock. It depends upon the making and type of the lock. In this article, We will guide you about different door locks and how to change them.

Types Of Front Door Locks:

There are several types of door locks. Some of these are mentioned below:


Padlocks are independent. They are handy. We can take them with us. They are of two types. 

  1. Keyed padlocks
  2. Combination padlocks 

Moreover, we can install them at any door or container. It means that padlocks are not substrate bound.

A Deadbolt Lock:

A deadbolt lock has a bolt that completes the purpose of a lock. Some bolts have springs on them. Additionally, they have a cylinder housing on them. Furthermore, these locks are mainly installed on the internal doors.

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Change a front door lock

Mortise Locks:

A mortise lock

Professionals consider these locks as the most strong locks. They are primarily used on external doors. In addition to this, the strength of this lock depends on the making. There are two kinds of mortise lock available in the market 

  1. Heavy-duty lock 
  2. Light duty locks

 Their primary working component is knobs or levers.


Knob locks are the most regular type of locks available. They are mainly used on the living room doors or washroom doors. These locks are not as strong as the mortise locks. Therefore, professionals advise them not to use these locks on external doors or the main entrance.

Smart Keypad Locks:

Keypad locks are the most convenient locks. They use an electric current to lock and unlock a door. When a person inputs the code, this creates a stimulus. This stimulus stimulates the current, which moves the shaft, and our door opens. These keypads have various functions which depend on the model of the lock.

Smart keypad locks, knob locks, and deadbolt locks are the most commonly used door locks. They are reliable, secure, and trustworthy. Even though they are very strong, one can change or repair them quickly. You can change locks by contacting a house locksmith or following the instructions given in this article. Following are some ways to change your front door lock:

How To Change a Knob-Lock:

Knob-locks are very simple to change. Knob-locks are reliable, yet they tend to malfunction easily.

Types of malfunctions:

Loose screws of a latch:

  • Sometimes a knob-lock may stop working because of unfastened screws. These screws become loose over time. The working of a knob lock depends on the magnitude of the usage. It can easily be repaired by fastening the screws of the latch.

You can follow the below-mentioned procedure to change or repair a lock:

  1. Firstly, you need to remove the knob. Loosen the screws by using a Screwdriver. There are two types of screws. They can be either interior or exterior screws. Therefore, we have to use the Screwdriver accordingly. External nuts are exposed so we can locate them quickly. Whereas interior nuts are present inside the lock, you have to look for a detent hole. To remove the internal nuts, you need to use a flat head Screwdriver. 
  2. Now disengage the knob. Afterward, remove the base of the lock. Make sure that backplates are intact. Damaging backplates can result in Damaging the entire lock.
  3. Now that you have removed the base and the ring, look for a screw set. Tighten all those screws and nuts properly. Do not remove the backplate during this process. Instead, hold it in your hand.
  4. Lastly, put the doorknob and base back to their place by reversing the process. 

The procedure mentioned above will help you fix your loose and wobbly doorknob. If you still find your lock faulty, you need to contact the house locksmith instantly.

How To Change Deadbolt Lock:

To change a deadbolt lock, you need to buy a new kit. Deadbolt locks tend to malfunction with their bolts. And to replace a bolt, you need to buy a new kit. This kit has all items which are required to replace the deadbolt lock. You can change your deadbolt lock in the following steps:

  1. Buy a brand new kit. Make sure that the brand is the same. Changing brands will likely mess up your door lock since every brand has measurements according to its locks.
  2. Now, remove the old lock. Loosen the screws of both bolts. Take out the turn plate from the lock 
  3. Lastly, now unfasten the screws. These screws will be present around the deadbolt. Remove the deadbolt from the lock.

How To Change Smart Keypad Lock:

Keypad locks are easy to change. You need to follow the below-mentioned steps only:

  1. Firstly, you need to ensure that your door is unlocked and opened. Now press the button with the program written on it. Afterward, enter your programming code. After that, you should hear a beep five times. 
  2. Secondly, please press the button with a check-mark written on it. After that, enter the programming code. After that, press the lock button. This button will lead you to the programming mode.
  3. Lastly, enter the code. This code should have four digits at the minimum and eight digits at maximum. If you have successfully changed the code, you will hear a beep.


It is to be concluded that front door locks are of utmost importance. They are strong and durable. We can easily change or repair them as well. But that doesn’t mean that any burglar would be able to change our lock. For most of the cases, only the owner can do modifications.

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