keypad door lock

How To Change Code On Keypad Door Lock – Step By Step Guide

Keypad locks are said to be more handy and reachable. Nowadays, these locks are more in use. Most people think that it is impossible to change the code on the door lock once you have forgotten it. This article will guide you about the benefits of keypad lock,  how they work and how to change code on a keypad door lock.

Why Keypad Lock Are More Convenient Than Traditional Locks:

They tend to provide extra security.  In addition to this, keypad locks look more modern and fashionable. These locks have digital codes that are known as access codes. Following are some benefits which a keypad door lock offers:

Keyless Door Lock:

The most distinctive feature of keypad door locks is that they provide keyless access.  You only need to remember the combination you have installed in the system. There is no fuss about the key. It is more convenient and straightforward as compared to a traditional lock. You can also enter different access codes for other people. It decreases the extra burden of having duplicate keys. Each person remembers one common password or their password. They can enter or exit the house hassle-free.

Easier To Change Lock:

It is easier to change access codes in a smart lock. Repairing and changing traditional locks was very hectic. You need a locksmith to help you remake the key or rekey a lock. But in the case of smart locks, you can change your access code on your own.

More Secure:

Smart locks are more trustworthy. They discourage thefts and stealing. A common burglar can not just break into your house. To hack a keypad lock, you need a computer and skills. Since not everyone possesses these skills, it is implausible that a thief or burglar can hack your smart lock.

Thus, keypad locks are a necessity in modern times. If you want to install a keypad door lock, you can contact lock installation in Oak Park.

How Keypad Door Locks Work:

The working of a keypad door lock is simple. Any ordinary person can understand it very quickly. Keypad door locks work on electricity. Some keypad door locks have their security system amalgamated. It requires an electric current to open the latch of the lock. When a user enters the proper access code, it acts as a stimulus. As a result of this stimulus, an electric current is produced. Consequently, this current releases the latch. Keypad door locks get their electrical energy from the batteries.

Types of bolts used in the keypad locks

Latch, also known as a bolt, serves as a lock. It is present between the door and the lock. Bolt prevents There are several types of bolts used in the keypad locks:

1. Spring bolt:

Spring bolt has springs on a regular bolt. The Spring bolt serves security purposes. Springs keep the bolt at its place after a person locks the door. They firmly hold the bolt and the door. These springs also minimize the chances of the door being reopened in case of any external pressure.

2. Deadbolts:

In this type of lock, deadbolts are used. This kind of lock can be closed manually by using a key.

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3. Actuators:

Advanced electronic locks have Actuators in them. So, the actuators act as a connector that connects the latch or cylinder to the small motor installed in the lock. An electric current controls this motor. When the user inputs the correct code it acts as a stimulus. Therefore,  the current is produced.

How To Change Lock:

We can change keypad door locks easily. You can either search for door lock installation services near me or change access codes in the following ways.

Change Your Kwikset Smart Door Lock Code:

You can change your password on Kwikset smart lock in the following ways:

Step no. 1:

Firstly, you need to long-press the program button on your keypad. As a result, it will allow the checkmark button to beep and blink five times continuously.

Step no. 2:

Secondly, press the checkmark button.

Step no. 3:

Thirdly, press the lock button after you have pressed the checkmark button. After that, enter the master code.

Step no. 4:

Now press the lock button again. Enter the old password which you want to delete. 

Step no. 5:

Press the lock button. Now enter the password you want to remove

Step no. 6:

After removing the password,  enter your new password and confirm it.

Step no. 7:

Lastly, Long press the lock button. The checkmark button will flash with a beep sound if your command is successfully submitted. If you have failed to change the password, the checkmark button will flash three times in a pattern.

Change Your Access Code In Yale Smart Lock:

Yale smart lock has a very simple code-changing process, but this doesn’t make it less secure. In addition to this, the Yale smart lock has different models with other functions. Moreover, the number of operations depends on its model. That is why changing access code varies slightly from one model to another 

Step no. 1:

Firstly,  you need to activate your keypad. You can do this by touching the keypad with your palm.

Step no. 2:

Secondly,  enter your master access code. After inputting the master code, press the # button and number 2 button simultaneously.

Step no. 3:

After that, press the # button and number 3 button simultaneously.

Step no. 4:

Moving further, enter the password you want to remove or change. 

Step no. 5:

Now enter the new code and confirm it. After that, press the hash button again.

Step no. 6:

Lastly, check if you have successfully changed the code by testing it.

Change Your Access Code In Schlage Smart Lock:

Changing the access code in Schlage is quite simple. It follows the following procedure.

Step no. 1:

Firstly, You need to input your programming code. The programming code is six digits long. Enter this code by using the keypad.

Step no. 2:

Secondly, long-press the button which has Schlage written on it. Press the number 2 button as well. You have to press these two buttons simultaneously. The Schlage button would be present at the top of the dialing keypad.

Step no. 3:

After pressing these buttons simultaneously,  the Schlage button will blink continuously three times. Please notice it will beep as well. Enter your password and this code should be different from your older one. As a result, again, the Schlage button will beep and blink. It shows that the system has processed your command.

Step no. 4:

Lastly, enter your old password and confirm it. Immediately the Security system will remove this code. The Schlage button will beep again and blink in green light. It indicates that your previous code has been successfully removed.


In conclusion, we can say that smart keypad locks are more convenient and easy to use. They are more efficient and secure. Changing lock codes in smart locks is very effortless, and one can do this on his own.

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