How To Install A Deadbolt Lock On A Metal Door

Installing a lock in your metal door will improve the security of your home and provide you and your family peace of mind. Among the most premium security systems you can install in your home is a lock. Because a deadbolt is both robust and difficult to pick, it is an effective deterrent against thieves and burglars. This brief article will show you how to install a lock on a metal door and how to pick the best deadbolt for your needs.

What Does A Deadbolt Mean?

When you go to any hardware store, you will almost certainly notice a variety of lock alternatives. Deadbolts are found alongside spring bolt locks.

Why Are Deadbolts Preferable To Spring Bolts?

Deadbolts cannot be moved or unlocked without a key. You won’t be able to open a deadbolt without a key, unlike spring bolt locks that have a spring that holds the bolt in place. You’ll notice a knob on one end of a spring bolt lock if you look closely. Simply turn the locking mechanism with your hand to open the lock.

However, there is no external mechanism that lets you manually open a deadbolt.

This means that if you don’t have a key, you can only unlock the lock by removing everything. Furthermore, the form of the deadbolt lock makes it more difficult to pick, even for skilled locksmiths.

Installing A Deadbolt On A Metal Door:

To get professional help, contact Lock Installation in Norridge.

What Tools Do You Need?

To effectively complete any installation project in your home, you’ll need the necessary tools. Having the correct equipment on hand will not only help you accomplish the task faster, but it will also save you the aggravation of having to hunt through your toolbox in the middle of it!

What you’ll need to install a lock on a metal door is as follows:

  1. Four-in-one screwdriver
  2. Drill with cord
  3. Set of drill bits
  4. Square of combinations
  5. Earmuffs/hearing protection
  6. Goggles/eye protection
  7. Measurement tape
  8. cord extension
  9. Hammer

So  you can easily install a lock on a metal door if you have the necessary tools.

Installation Of A Deadbolt On Metal Door

It can be intimidating to install a lock for the first time. However, if you have the correct tools, you should have no problems. In seven easy steps, you can install a deadbolt lock on a metal door:

  1. Firstly, measure 42 inches from the bottom of the inside of your door with a tape measure. Using your hammer and center punch, make a mark.
  2. Secondly, make sure the distance from the edge equals the backset of the deadbolt. Make a second mark at the same height and in the middle of the door’s edge.
  3. Thirdly, starting from the inside mark, drill a hole on the door face with the two 1/8-inch hole saws. Drill until the bit is able to pass through the door. Stop drilling and partially open the door. To keep the door stable, wedge a doorstop in place, then finish drilling the hole from the outside, using the pilot hole as a guide.
  4. Drill a hole from your mark at the door’s edge with the 1-inch hole saw. Once you’ve insect the departing hole, come to a halt.
  5. Install the bolt assembly from your deadbolt set into the 1-inch hole, securing it using the set’s supplied screw.
  6. Place the cylinder assembly in place. Place the keyed side of your door on the outside, and the thumb latch on the inside. Use the long machine screws to secure it.
  7. Lastly, after you’ve finished installing the deadbolt lock, test it out by inserting your key and turning the knob. The deadbolt should be easy to open and close.

You may contact Residential locksmith in Oak Park for more suggestions and lock installation services.

Deadbolt Advantages

Following are some advantages of a deadbolt lock:

  1. Deadbolts are one of the finest ways to shore up your home protection, according to home security pros, particularly locksmiths.
  2. A good lock is an excellent deterrent for burglars and robbers. Because many thieves are opportunists rather than those who take the time and effort to scout your property, even the appearance of a deadbolt on a door is enough to deter the average thief.
  3. However, preventing intruders from accessing your home requires more than simply the appearance of a deadbolt. A deadbolt’s design works by utilizing the intruder’s force against them. If burglars try to force their way in, the lock’s steel bolt will jam on the strike plate inside the door frame. The deadbolt works better against an invader who is trying to force their way into your home.
  4. Deadbolts constructed of solid steel, brass, or bronze are the best. Die-cast deadbolts should be avoided since they can break apart if enough power is applied. Single cylinder, double cylinder, and keyless deadbolts are the three types of deadbolts available.
  5. Single cylinders have a twist knob on the inside and one keyhole on the outside. Because double cylinder deadbolts feature keyholes on both sides, you’ll need a key to unlock it regardless of which side you’re on. A keypad on keyless deadbolts is used to enter a PIN code. 


Now you understand how to install a lock on a metal door. Isn’t it simple? Even though it appears difficult, you can complete it properly provided you have the necessary equipment. A lock is an excellent way to ensure that your home is secure and that you and your family are safe from intruders.

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